About Us

Malaysian Buddhist Institute was established on March 3, 1970.

Court Day School, but unlike other ordinary schools, but rather to cultivate the religious professionals Faculty. Students, including a monk and two public at home. Hospital teaching content to the Buddhist doctrine; In order to meet the needs of the times, and the three languages of China, the country, the British and other modern intellectual disciplines, such as computers, math, bookkeeping, history, philosophy, knowledge, science, music and so on. In addition to discipline, the moral aspects of a specific hospital training as "compassion, wisdom, diligence, homes," the word, according to the requirements of the body, the mouth, which means the industry clean and VI of the activities of daily living training, rehabilitation Jingzhi genetic regulation set defined practicable 12 projects, namely: faith, Jingqin, deportment, honest, language services, gregarious, social morality, modest, tidy, emotions, discipline and conduct assessment of the standard.

The hospital created mission is to promote Buddhist education and foster the Kobo staff and the abbot of talent. Continuation of life of wisdom so that Buddhism can from generation to generation, the Everbright Buddhist education, so that the crowd is developing apace, the community even more harmonious, and Buddhist youth, to have a thorough understanding of the law in this world, may also have a good knowledge of the law in this world, in order to Lili him mostly from the Orthodox, Buddhist thespians, wisdom constantly.

Buddha total has multiplied the central government, the Education Review Committee, presented a memorandum, it is recommended that each of the state's primary and secondary schools should be located Elective Buddhism a Division, and suggested that if the Government intends to training Buddhist teachers, the hospital will be happy to assist. Thus all kinds, the Court today Now that assume the burden of, and may in the future must be more burden-sharing. But also goes for Buddhism in Malaysia continue to exist and carry forward, and thus the whole of Malaysia Buddhist monks monks and nuns and believers at home should be more to this common understanding and joint efforts.